Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Star Is Born

This year we decided to get the kids Easter baskets that had more gifts they could trash my floor with enjoy and less candy for us them to eat.  What we ended up with was a pink basket with "rock star" themed toys for her (that he would totally play with) and a big truck basket for him (no seriously, it just had a truck in it...I'm not even sure why they bothered with the basket).

While TommyTruckMan is using his new truck as a roller skate, SallySuperStar has decided that today is the first day of her illustrious career as a rock star.

SallySuperStar: Mama, I can't wait to be a star.
Awesomeness: Well, what are you going to do to become a star?
SallySuperStar: I'm going to put on my sunglasses.
Awesomeness: And then what?
SallySuperStar: And then I will be a star!

If only it were that easy....

Now if I can get her brother to stop making this face in every picture, he may be able to join her:


The only way I can get a normal picture of the kid is when I surprise him:

Happy Easter everyone!

1 comment:

allgrowedup said...

Lil bit does the same thing for pictures. lol drives me NUTS!!!