Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What Did I Miss Today?

Whenever I get home from work, I like to find out right away what kind of day my kids had.  Did they eat?  Did they nap?  Was there anything unusual that went on that day that I need to be aware of?

There are days, like today, when I wished I never asked.

Mr. Awesomeness: Oh, by the way, apparently our daughter has been either sticking something between her teeth or picking at her gums with her fingernails.  She's causing her gums to bleed because she wants the tooth fairy to come and leave her a present.
Awesomeness: ....what the.....?
Mr. Awesomeness: I already told her THERE IS NO TOOTH FAIRY.
ToothFairyCarrie: Aaaaaawwww!

Wow, I just got home.  Home to an emo four-year-old who's getting yelled at for believing in the tooth fairy.  Parenting books don't prepare you for this moment.  Maybe one of these days, I'll write a parenting book that does.

Anyway, so I'm trying to smooth this over with reason.

Awesomeness: Honey, I'm sorry you're disappointed about the tooth fairy.  You need your teeth, though.  Your teeth help you eat.  It's very hard to eat when your teeth are gone.
ToothFairyCarrie: Aaaaawwww!  But Mama...."

Is this really an, "Aaaaawww!  But Mama...." subject?

Can I go back to work now please?


Launa said...

Oh hon! Why doesn't anyone tell you about this kinda stuff? does anyone know how to deal with it?
If it makes you feel any better my son woke up the whole house at 5am this morning because he was ready to start the day so we have already had a quiet, peacefull, dramaless morning (yeah right!) Definitely wishing I could go to work right now!!
Oh and here's hoping ToothFairyCarrie stops making her gums bleed... ouch!

allgrowedup said...

rofl My 9 yo still believes in the tooth fairy, santa, easter bunny...the whole nine yards. I don't look forward to that conversation when he figures it all out...

Awesomeness said...

For the most part, I'm relieved that I don't have to pretend about the tooth fairy. On the other hand, I don't think she needed to be told that way. Poor kid.

Also, she has stopped picking her teeth out.