Monday, April 12, 2010

Billy Goat

Hey, BillyGoatBoy! Enough with the head butting.  I don't know where you picked this up, but you're going to end up in a plastic gerbil ball if it doesn't quit.  (My theory based on my lack of experience with boys -- read into that whatever you like -- is that it has to be a boy thing.)

You've hit me so hard in the mouth you've drawn blood and I thought one of my teeth was knocked loose.  I also thought you'd broken my nose on more than one occasion.  I have actually told my coworkers that if I show up to work with a black eye, broken nose or swollen lip, not to call the cops on my husband.  It's just little BamBam.  It was very embarrassing to admit that my 20-month old beats me up.

I thought you'd finally managed a trip to hospital tonight.  You threw a full-on tantrum running at me head first.  Unfortunately you timed this perfectly with my opening the refrigerator door.  You've got a lump on your head so big now that your great-grandmother is referring to you as "The Unicorn".

Unicorns are not manly, bro.

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