Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thirsty Bird

Miss MustHaveWaterNow, I am feeding your brother. You will have to wait a minute if you'd like for me to get you water. Your other option: go ask your dad. This goes something like this:

Missy: Water Mama, Water Mama, Water Mama, Water Mama.....Waaaaaaatteeeeer Maaaaamaaaaaa...(whining ensues)
Awesomeness: Baby, I'm feeding your brother. Just give me a minute okay.
M: (Howls like I just told her the Easter Bunny isn't real, then grabs my hand and starts pulling.)
A: Patience, little one. Patience. Give Mama a couple more minutes.
M: (Howls like I just told her she can NEVER HAVE WATER AGAIN.)
A: Honey, go ask your Dada for water.
M: (Immediately quits crying and runs for her dad's office. Ten minutes later, she immerges without her dad or her cup.)
A: Um, did you get water?
M: Water Mama! (Runs to get her cup.)
A to Mr. A: Did she even ask you for water?
Mr. A: (Baffled look on his face) No. Why? Did she want water?

Arg. Kid. Seriously. If you want water, just ask for water. If you want Mom to wait on you hand and foot, don't hold your breath.

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