Monday, March 22, 2010

Bathtime Fun

Awesomeness: C'mon kids! It's bathtime.

BathBubbleBoy eagerly jumps into the tub and -- for whatever reason -- begins to do something that looks like Riverdancing.

GreasyGrimyGirl whines and runs out of the room.  I finally coax her back in and force lovingly persuade her into the tub.

Awesomeness:  Wow, kiddo.  You're dirty and smelly.
GreasyGrimyGirl: Naaaaaaaaw! I no smelly and dirty.
Awesomeness:  Yeah, I think that's you.  It's hard to tell with your brother in the tub and your Dada in the other room, but I think you stink.
GreasyGrimyGirl: Naaaaaaaaw!  I no stink.
Awesomeness: Well, now you don't.  You're all clean.
GreasyGrimyGirl: Naaaaaaaaw!  I no clean.  I dirty and stinky.

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